
Duke - User Guide

Duke is a user application serving as a task manager. Add different kinds of tasks, mark them as done, delete them, and stay on the ball with all your work!

App Screneshot


  1. Adding tasks

    Duke allows the addition of different kind of tasks, namely todo, event and deadline.

  2. Deleting tasks

    Tasks can be deleted from the task list.

  3. Updating tasks

    Details of the task can also be updated in the task list.

  4. Listing tasks

    Duke can display a list of all tasks, along with the relevant types and dates.

  5. Marking tasks as done

    Tasks can be marked as done in the task list.

  6. Finding tasks

    Tasks can be filtered by certain keywords.


todo <description> - Adds a todo task with the relevant description.

Example of usage:

todo borrow book

Expected outcome:

Got it: I've added this task: 
[T][X] borrow book 
Now you have 1 task in the list 

event <description> /at yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm - Adds an event with the relevant description and date.

Example of usage:

event read book /at 2019-12-31 23:59

Expected outcome:

Got it: I've added this task:
[E][X] borrow book (at: 2019-12-31 23:59)
Now you have 2 task(s) in the list

deadline <description> /by yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm - Adds a deadline with the relevant description and date.

Example of usage:

deadline return book /by 2019-12-31 23:59

Expected outcome:

Got it: I've added this task:
[D][X] borrow book (by: 2019-12-31 23:59)
Now you have 3 task(s) in the list

find <keyword> - Finds any task with contains the relevant keyword in its description.

Example of usage:

find borrow

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] borrow book

update <task_number> - Uppdates task at the provided number in the task list.

Example of usage:

>> update 1

Okay. Updating this task:
[T][X] borrow book

Please use one of these options to update:
1. name <new_name>
2. date <new_date>
3. both <new_name> <new_date>

>> name HAHAHAHA

Okay. Here's the updated task:

delete <task_number> - Deletes task at the provided number in the task list.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
1. [T][X] borrow book
Now you have 2 task(s) in the list

done <task_number> - Marks task at the provided number in the list as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice!. I've marked this task as done:
1. [T][v] borrow book

list - Lists all tasks in the list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] borrow book
2. [E][X] read book (at: <date>)
3. [D][X] return book (by: <date>)

bye - Exits the program.

Example of usage:
